Augusta Volunteer 3/1/2025 – 3/2/2025

List of Volunteer Jobs:

  • Timer – uses a stop watch to time the dogs during a search.
  • Judges Steward: greet and give competitors a brief reminder as they approach the search area. Assist the judge in the search area as directed.
  • Gate Steward: assist in managing the flow of dogs from the parking lot to the holding / search areas and back to parking
  • Videographer: video each competitors run for official records
  • Score Runner: brings score sheets from search area to the score room. This job requires a good amount of walking.
  • Container Setter: resets containers after each run. Requires a good amount of bending.
  • Competitor Check-In: check in competitors as they arrive and provide any preliminary directions.
  • Hospitality Helper: Help set up/clean up hospitality area (food) as needed.
  • Score Room: assist with checking score sheets and/or entering results into a computer. Also assists with other score room activities as directed.
  • Setup: Assist in setting up first thing in the morning including setting up EZ ups, hanging signs, etc.
  • Cleanup: assists with cleaning up the trial site at the end of the day including taking down EZ ups, signs, taking trash to dumpster, sweeping search areas and wiping down surfaces, etc.